MAILING: 8121 Cypress Lake Drive ~ Fort Myers, FL 33919
Convinced that Jesus communicates a new life to those who believe in Him, and that He was raised from the dead in order that we might live, we are united to the risen Lord as a people born anew to a life of hope. Called together as a people of faith, we believe that the Father who raised Jesus from the dead will also raise us, and that we will continue to bear witness to the fact that we are liberated from sin. As a Resurrection people we are committed to victory over sin through charity, loving God above all else, each other and ourselves.
Ash Wednesday Masses: 8am, 9:30am, 5:30pm
Latin Mass 12:30pm
Stations of the Cross and Adoration: Fridays March 7 thru April 11 after 9:30am Mass
2024 Catholic Faith Appeal message from Lois Thome
Click below to access:
To DONATE to the CFA click on picture below:
Be sure to credit Resurrection of Our Lord
TELEVISED MASS: Sundays, 10:30am on WFTX-TV Fox 4
Televised Mass Archive click here.
Act of Spiritual Communion click here.
Monday through Saturday: 8:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass: 3:30pm and 5:00pm
Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am and 10:30am
Latin Mass: 12:30pm
For everyone's protection, those who wish to receive Communion on the tongue, please come up at the end of the line. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Church open for private prayer: Monday through Friday: 8:30-3:00pm.
Adoration: First Friday 8:30-9:30am
Saturdays: 2:15 - 3:15pm Sundays: 30 minutes before Masses Daily: 20 minutes before Mass
Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-4:00pm Friday: 8:00am-3:00pm
8121 Cypress Lake Drive ~ Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-481-7171
GIFT SHOP HOURS Saturdays 2:30 - 3:30pm Sundays AFTER 8:30am Mass until 12:15pm Closed DURING Mass 239-590-8057 Located in the front (main) foyer of the church.
PRAYER LINE REQUESTS Call 239-590-8055 or email
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Stephen E. McNamara, V.G., V.F.
Parochial Vicars: Fr. Oliver Toner, Fr. Shawn Roser
Retired Priest: Fr. Chris Gardiner
Deacons: Mr. Michael Esper, Dr. David Reardon
Business Manager: Melanie Arnieri
CoDirectors of Faith Formation: Deanna Latell, M.A., Joanne MacPeek, M.A.
Music Director: Connie Kish
SPIRITUAL BOUQUET: Prayers for the People of the Diocese of Venice
Click to open form: spiritual-bouquet-prayers-for-the-people-of-the-diocese-of-venice
How You Can Help. In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, the Diocese of Venice is blessed to be receiving monetary donations and much needed volunteer assistance, and we are grateful. Our brothers and sisters in the Diocese of Venice and southwest Florida are facing many challenges and need your prayers!
What is a Spiritual Bouquet? A Spiritual Bouquet is a collection of prayers, devotions, and spiritual offerings for a person or a particular intention. Please send your spiritual pledge today for the people of southwest Florida and the Diocese of Venice.
Examples of how to participate. Anytime from now through November 30, you can pledge to offer a Mass, one of your Holy Communions, a Eucharistic Holy Hour, or a devotion such as the Rosary, or a Divine Mercy Chaplet, or any combination or number of these.
Adding a spiritual flower to the bouquet. Simply fill out the information using link below, indicating what spiritual offerings you are pledging. Don’t forget to click “Submit” when you are done!
Thank you, and may God bless you!
Exclusive Right of Use - All content on the websites of the Diocese of Venice, all Parishes and Schools, including the Mustard Seed publication, and social media accounts are for the exclusive use of the Diocese and its entities. It is unlawful for outside entities and organizations to use this content for promotion or other purposes without the express written permission of the Diocese of Venice. For more information, please contact the Diocese of Venice Communications Office at 941-484-9543.
2020 Copyright Diocese of Venice